Friday, September 24, 2010


Last night, Our Heroes (tm) returned to Peace River as part of a diplomatic delegation from the Free Emirates. Their main point of contact was none other than Maia Kessler. Surprisingly, no one died. No one was even wounded, except for people we don't like anyway. There was, on the other hand, much banter.

[The Doc has just finished filling in Kain on the situation as he knows it. Kain nods thoughtfully and says nothing.]
Georges: "You're not going to share your additional information, I see."

[Sam has been trying -- mostly unsuccessfully -- to strike up a conversation with one of the people smuggling him and Kain into Peace River.]
Sam: "I just had an interlude I don't understand. Maybe you can shed some light on it."
Kain: "I press the 'don't care' button."

[Upon entering Peace River in turmoil and heightened suspicion.]
Josh the GM: "People are looking at you funny."
Brock: "Not twice they don't"

[You know how, when your mother told you that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all...]
Doc: "I have no way to degrade you right now, V'mir, so I'm not going to speak to you."

[Maia arrives with two Paxsec officers. Kain, in his Hannibal Smith persona, is his usual diplomatic self.]
Kain: "I've never seen a live PaxSec officer before. I mean...not a real live one."

[Kain realizes that the situation may be a bit more involved than advertised.]
Kain: "I thought this was a vacation."
Doc: "I lied."

[The PCs realize there may be revolts and bombings at the functions they're supposed to be attending.]
Doc: "If we're there, we'll be shot at."
Kain: "If we're not there..."
Doc: "...we're not doing our jobs."

[Negotiations are not going quite as well as everyone might have hoped.]
Maia: "I'll take it under advisement."
Kain: "I don't think she's taking us seriously."
Doc: "I'm not liking the feeling of partnership here."

[After Maia leaves, Kain and the Doc review the results of the meeting and reach an inevitable conclusion.]
Doc: "No, seriously, why would she trust us?"

[The PCs are ambushed by thugs while in the Prospects. The Doc looks them squarely in the eyes and pulls a gun.]
Doc: "Gentlemen, we just want to walk away. And if you do too, you'll let us."

[Kain and the Doc are trying to figure out who in the Paxton delegation could be a mole for the BRF.]
Kain: "We're going to need a list of everyone on Paxton's team."
Doc: "You want to vet all of them?"
Kain: "The other option is to pick 5 random people and assume that it's them."

[Sad but true...]
Brock: "It's like one person is voicing all the NPCs!"

[Kain has taken Mrs. Nandy, the mother of one of the PCs' allies, out to dinner. She asks after her son.]
Mrs. Nandy: "Is he seeing a nice girl?"
Brock: "I have no idea."
Georges: "Lie! Lie through your teeth!"

[Georges has drawn a chart detailing all the various factions at play in this particular campaign.]
Julie: "I like the 'us' in the middle."
Georges: "It's always us in the middle."

[Counting... Sometimes our strong suit?]
Georges: "Ah, the Warrior 4. Or, as we like to call it, the Warrior 3, Mark 2."

[Can the Doc ever *not* exploit someone? No, no he can't.]
Doc: (to over-eager reporter) "If you play nice and prove to be useful, I can arrange something."

[Things get very complicated, very quickly.]
Georges: "Every time we're in Peace River, I need to make a diagram."

[Sometimes, it's all about how to define success.]
Julie: "That went decently well."
Georges: "No deep wounds? I call it a victory."

And that's it for this week. Join us next time for the gala dinner, when there will almost certainly be some sort of terrorist attack.


Certain Betrayal said...


[Maia arrives with two Paxsec officers. Kain, in his Hannibal Smith persona, is his usual diplomatic self.]

Kain: "I've never seen a live PaxSec officer before. I mean, not a real life one."

Certain Betrayal said...


[Upon entering Peace River in turmoil and heightened suspicion.]

GM: "People are looking at you funny."
Brock: "Not twice they don't"

Julie said...

Updated as requested.

Heavy Josh said...

Just to point out, this Wordslingin' is this blog's 300th post.

Congrats everyone!

Hermes 72 - Heavy Gear RPG - Most artwork Copyright 2002 Dream Pod 9, Inc.