"I swear, sometimes, I wonder what the hell Gade was thinking?" Trishaw Carmichael, formerly a Paxton gear designer, grunted as he was busy cleaning out the filters of the Warrior III named Scrap.
Everyone in The Cave ignored him.
"Damn kid is lucky that he never got asphyxiated in this rust-bucket!" Carmichael grunted again, "missing at least five safety filters and a bypass valve!"
Natty and Karin nodded absentmindedly, working hard as Carmichael raved. They didn't know that Carmichael had been responsible for the addition of three of those five safety filters and the bypass valve. The Warrior III was Paxton's workhorse trooper gear, much like the Hunter and Jager, but it was designed with the Badlands in mind. That meant that air filters and valves got clogged. He marveled that Gade's patchwork construction hadn't fallen to pieces cycles ago.
"...and he didn't even use the right actuators for the wrists!" Carmichael's complexion had reddened some, but the old goat was attentive enough to see that he was being studiously ignored by his younger colleagues. He sighed. Scrap had worked exactly right since he joined the caravan, and Kelly, the gear's regular pilot never reported any serious irregularities.
Carmichael was just about to resign himself to quiet work when he found the hopper skeleton lodged in behind the gear's leg panel. He pulled the chicken-sized mass of cartilage and bone out with a grimace and held it up to the stunned and sickened girls.
"That's right!" he declared, victoriously, "and there's probably more where that came from!"
Scrap was the first gear Gade Vonyran built out of spare parts collected from the junk heaps of Khayr-ad Din. The Warrior III is a standard design, and Gade had access to other similar gears to ease the process. The end result was a patchwork gear that was serviceable and reliable: a testament to both Paxton's engineering and Gade's abilities. The gear's Optical Neural Net was transferred from the Warrior III and into a Blitz Iguana for a while, but has now returned to its rightful place in its original chassis. Scrap is a well-behaved machine with tenacity and loyalty. It does have a tendency to twitch when idling, a result of being a scratch-built machine and the transfer to the Blitz Iguana and back.
The only person on the caravan who has a grudge against Scrap is Avatanya Brom, who happened to like the original Regulator office in New Baja Town.
UPDATE: Kelly Lebeau has taken to driving Scrap as the leader of the reserve squad of Caravan gears. She tends to carry an MR-55 30mm cannon, a 52mm rocket pack, and a pair of War of the Alliance-issue heavy panzerfausts she dug up in Khayr-ad Din.
Scrap | SIZE: | 6 | |||||||
MODEL: | CREW: | 1 | |||||||
PA-01 Warrior | BONUS ACTIONS: | 0 | |||||||
CLASS: | CREW SKILLS | ||||||||
Trooper Heavy Gear | PILOT: | ||||||||
GUNNERY: | |||||||||
MOVEMENT | |||||||||
PRIMARY COMBAT: | 4 / -1 | ||||||||
PRIMARY TOP: | 7 / +1 | ||||||||
SECONDARY COMBAT: | 6 / 0 | ||||||||
SECONDARY TOP: | 12 / +2 | ||||||||
MANEUVER: | 0 | ||||||||
ELECTRONICS | |||||||||
SENSORS: | 0 | ||||||||
COMMUNICATION: | 0 | ||||||||
FIRE CONTROL: | 0 | ||||||||
ARMOUR | |||||||||
LIGHT DAMAGE: | 15 | ||||||||
HEAVY DAMAGE: | 30 | ||||||||
OVERKILL: | 45 | ||||||||
WEAPONS | |||||||||
CODE-NAME: | RANGE | DAM | ACC | RoF/CLIP | Special | ||||
Vibroblade | 0 | x8 | 0 | - | close combat | ||||
Hand Grenades x 3 | 0 | x15 | -1 | - | close combat, AI | ||||
APGL | 50m | x3 | -1 | 0/6 | AI, AE=0, IF | ||||
MR-55 Medium Autocannon | 150m | x10 | 0 | 1/40 | 1 extra clip | ||||
LRP/24 | 50m | x12 | -1 | +3/24 | IF | ||||
HPZF x 2 | 100m | x25 | -1 | - | single shot | ||||
PERKS | |||||||||
Easy To Modify | +2 repair/modify rolls | ||||||||
Manipulator Arm x2 | 6 | Can Punch | |||||||
Hostile Environment Protection | Desert | ||||||||
ECM | 1 | Offensive EW equipment | YES | ||||||
FLAWS | |||||||||
None | |||||||||
DEFECTS | |||||||||
None | |||||||||
xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx | xxxxxx |
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