Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Baja Regulators

The elite first line of defence for New Baja, the each Regulator is part constable, part commando, and par social worker. Identified by their iconic black barnaby-hide dusters, the Regulators are highly motivated, trained, and determined to improve the lot of their fellow New Bajans.

Brom, Avatanya40/FBajaResistanceHand to hand combat; leadership. Suicide driver.
Crawford, Sheldon37/MBajaResistanceCars, surveillance, infiltration.
Dragushan, Josephina30/FBajaPRAGears; heavy weapons.
Dunn, Ethan22/MBajaResistanceScrounging; scouting; stealth; cars.
Green, Lenny45/MBajaResistanceFormer Baja PD detective.
Jerasi, Koldur30/MSand RiderN/ABadass.
Knox, Thomas28/FPeace RiverPRACombat medic.
Lao, Edgar40/MBajan homesteads
Desert guide, prospector, scout.
Lebeaux, Kelly30/FWestphaliaMILICIA deserterInfantry tactics, leadership.
Lelland, Father65/MSorrento
Mediator; sniper.
Mendelbaum, Ari43/MSiwa OasisSRA (ret)
Assault gear pilot
Pearce, William Barton25/MLance PointPRA; Resistance
Heavy weapons; information gathering.
Smit, Peter52/MInnsbruckCNCSGear racing and hand to hand

Avatanya Brom



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